How to relieve your tight foreskin in less than 30 days in the privacy of your home and
without Circumcision!!
I had a tight Foreskin for 2 1⁄2 years.
Until I found the fast home remedy
without surgery!
You don't have to be embarrassed
or be in pain anymore.
I have great news for you if you are an adult and have a tight
foreskin (also known as Phimosis). If you have been suffering
with the condition...
You don't have to suffer any more!
I solved my tight foreskin in less than
1 month!
(Once I knew what to do!)
One day my foreskin shrunk and I had trouble urinating since my foreskin was so tight. When I urinated, urine would drip down my pants!
I had fear of going to a public bathroom to use a urinal. I had to sit on a toilet seat instead of using the urinal. What if the toilet seat was not available and I had to use the urinal! I had fear of urinals!

Fear of Urinals!
Fear of Urinals!
Sitting on a toilet was the only way I could urinate and feel safe. I also needed the privacy to clean up after urinating.

Fear of urinals but better than the Urinal
I began to research why this happened and what other men did to cure this condition. The one most popular “prescription” by doctors, was removing the foreskin with surgery.... circumcision! There were several options, such as Dorsal, Slit, Renal Slit, complete removal, but they all involved a scalpel! I will tell you more on those options in my eBook Tight Foreskin No More.
I did not want to get circumcised!
Surgery! On my penis! I did not want a scalpel anywhere close to my penis, never mind cutting parts of it off. There were so many reports of complications after being circumcised. I knew that this was not an option for me.

No Surgery for Me!
I knew about my body's intelligence to
heal and there were many devices and
methods out there, but which one?
I knew my body has innate intelligence. I knew that there was
something out there to remedy my tight foreskin in the privacy
of my own home. I then went to investigate.
Skin and Elasticity
The skin has the incredible ability to stretch and regrow new
cells. A woman's abdomen stretches to accommodate the
growing fetus.

Natural Skin Stretch
The same principle holds true with men or women with
elongated ears? Knowing that this principle, I understood how I
can use it to stretch my foreskin back to its original elasticity. I
studied and experimented with all the methods I could find. I
also created my own devices. My experiments lead me to soft
and stiff insulation foam, bottle caps of many sizes, plastic and
metal pipes. The problem was that to be successful, I needed
to do these stretching techniques in private and when I knew
that I wasn't going to be disturbed.
Most Remedies for Foreskin
had a good success rates except....
Manual stretching required required patience and time. I did not
have the patience nor the time. If you do have patience and
time I will show you these simple methods that you can do in
the privacy of your home, in my eBook “Tight Foreskin No
but if you are busy and want fast
results, I will show you how.
If you are living a busy life and don't have the time I will give you
the keys that I uncovered to stretch your foreskin gradually,
painlessly in less than a month. You don't have to be secluded
or set aside time where you won't be disturbed.
I found the keys that allowed my
foreskin to recover its lost elasticity
within a month!

Keys open up a hidden treasure
For 2 1⁄2 years I tried several methods and devices and I saw a
slight improvement but very quickly the foreskin would become
tight again. I finally figured out why and tested my theory... IT
WORKED.... Once I discovered the keys, I started to see fast. results... my recovery was becoming a reality after so many
In my eBook,
Tight Foreskin No More,
I share the keys
that other methods are missing
The keys were simple but effective, but I had to remember to
follow the steps, otherwise I was back to the beginning. All
these discoveries are in my eBook “Tight Foreskin No More.” I
will share with you my discoveries, trials, failures and
successes. I will provide you with the details and steps how I
cured my tight foreskin.

“Tight Foreskin No More ” eBook is
to every adult who suffers with tight
Do It Today. Don't delay... you can have relief in as little as a
few days and welcome relief within a month. Order your eBook
right away.
What do you get in my eBook?
• My summary of hours of research on tight foreskin (Phimosis)
• My personal experience with every method and device I could find or duplicate
• The name of the best skin cream, after testing dozens of brands
• What helped me heal my foreskin's cracking and bleeding
• My own discovery of a simple item that is found in almost any hardware store that accelerated my foreskin healing
A small price to pay for your
Tight Foreskin relief!
If I had this information when my tight foreskin occurred, I would
have easily paid over $1000 rather than suffer with tight foreskin
for 2 and 1⁄2 years.
In my area, doctors are charging anywhere from USD $1500 to
USD $3000 for circumcision. On top of that, my medical
insurance did not cover the circumcision, so it would have been
out of my pocket.
Why spend $3000 out of your own pocket and then not be
guaranteed results. Have you every heard of a guarantee from
having surgery?!
Look what I found on several websites on the cost of an adult
“...$1,500 for adults if local anesthesia is used and $3,000 for
adults if general anesthesia is used.
I also discovered that circumcision had possible side effects:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...
Adult circumcision is a surgical procedure, so it does carry
certain risks as well as possible side effects; these include pain,
bleeding, and infection.
The methods that I discovered are not painful if followed correctly, they will also eliminate or reduce bleeding and also
prevent infection.
I will share all this with you in my eBook “Tight Foreskin No
More”, for only $69.95. I have spent hours of research and now
you don't have to.
Buy it now, and you can have the eBbook in your hands fast, for
only 59.95 $39.95.
That's correct, if you buy now, I will give you a $30 saving. You
have nothing to lose and so much more to gain. Make this the
time that you take care of yourself.
I am offering this eBook “Tight Skin No More” for the thousands
of men who suffer with Tight Foreskin unnecessarily.
Feel the freedom of having relief from this condition. Celebrate
your success.

Celebrate your success
Summary of my personal Tight Foreskin research. More details in my eBook “Tight Foreskin No More”. I was looking for a low cost, painless method with a high success rate to share with others. Here is a summary of what I experienced: